Monday, December 10, 2012

Another year...

The years... pass. I'm not going to pretend that I think about you all the time, but I think about you, especially on this particular day. It prompts me to read your letter, and reminds me that a person's love can still be felt long after they leave us.

Except you never really left us, did you?


Anonymous said...

She was amazing.
Love you. e.e.

M said...

Are you still writing somewhere, Mr?

WDKY said...

Hey - what a nice surprise. And no, at least not as "myself", although my other world persona is on FB, etc, and I do have a blog dedicated to my watches!

I'm keeping an eye on you, as it happens, because I have Miscellany on my reader... and i think of you whenever I have Air on the stereo ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how time flies, T... I doubt you would remember me... "checkright2005" or just "check" from India... a few emails exchanged, a few conversations in the comments, a phase long gone... Today, as I sat down with my phone, wanting to actually read something other than status updates, I wondered where I should go. And there, from a recess, my brain brought out "WDKY" I'd enjoy your blog posts greatly! I wonder how you're doing and I wish that you're doing well. Love and blessings always!

T / WDKY said...

Ah, of course I remember you, and how lovely that you'd come here to leave a message. I'm doing well, thank you, and hope that you are too.

Yes, a phase long gone, and more's the pity. the connections we made in the blogosphere were so much more real that back then. i miss that.

Take care, and thanks for stopping by.