Thursday, October 20, 2005


Well, I was asked by a couple of people to post a shot of my eyes, and then Cat (who had the pleasure of choosing following last week's tattoo competition) also listed them as one of her choices(!). So here they are, in all their... errmm, blueness. And if anyone can guess what age I was when I lost my virginity, they can choose next week's anatomical part to be revealed.

I'm not sure that telling you that I was in a tent in Wales is much of a clue...

Oh, and these eyes belong to the very beautiful... well, you work it out!!!

(You lot are useless... its Sher!)

Happy HNT!



k o w said...

14, do I win?

NewYorkMoments said...

Very sexy eyes...When are you bringing them over to NYC?

LDR said...

I'm going to give you something to laugh about and say 24! LOL! Hey, some of us get a bit of a slow start in life.

In any case, sheesh! I get over here to finally catch up on everything and you've changed it all around... AGAIN! Gads, you're worse than an interior decorator! It does look fabulous though!

Eventually I'll upgrade my stuff and make it look "decent" but for now I'm plenty satisfied with generic orange. Hell, if I'm upgrading I may as well get my own webaddress and all that shit... oh, wait, that would require actually KNOWING what the hell I'm doing...

Loving the GG stories. I understand where she's coming from (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) but I also understand your position. (Now did that all read like innuendo or what?) It's a unique relationship, run with it... it seems to work for you!

WDKY said...

KOW, I'm afraid that you don't. Sorry.

Ohhh, NYM... don't tempt me.

K, as they say over here... you're avin' a larf. Glad you like the new scheme though. And the ongoing GG thing (smutty innuendo aside, of course).

WDKY said...

Hi Sher - yes, my son has got the same eyes as me - I hope they don't get him in as much trouble as mine have got me in, though! I don't mind hosting your HNT shot if it's a problem for you...

j said...

um, 17?

piercing blues you have.

WDKY said...

No, J, not 17... yes, but a bit too intense for some. It takes a real woman ;-)

j said...

they are captivating.

WDKY said...

J, thanks! And Sher, I forgot to tell you. You were wrong :-)

WDKY said...

Well, it wasn't the Nanny! And it wasn't 13. (Not doing very well, really, are you?)

WDKY said...

Come and have a lie down...

No, I didn't know that! I did know that the skin on your elbow has no nerves (go on - pinch it) and that if you spread your arms out each side of you, the distance from one middle fingertip to the other is the same as your height...

me said...

i like ur new template... very very k...
about ur question...let me see...15????

Anonymous said...


WDKY said...

Me, thank you, and thanks for stopping by. I love your site (and happen to think that you're exceptionally beautiful) and must comment there more regularly. And you're wrong, I'm afraid.

Claire... wrong too :-(

NewYorkMoments said...


WDKY said...

Well done, NYM!!! My body's yours, all yours...

NewYorkMoments said...

I promise I'll be gentle ;-)

WDKY said...

I can't.

Kate B. said...

DAMN, I missed the guessing game.

Gorgeous eyes, wdky

WDKY said...

Flattery will get you everywhere.

kimmyk said...

very pretty blue's ya got there WDKY.

Kate B. said...

oh yeah? ;-)

WDKY said...

Sara, calling my bluff is rarely a winning strategy. Don't say I haven't warned you.

Hey Kimmy... I want to see yours now!

And can I add that I think Sher's eyes are gorgeous. They grace my blog!

NML/Natalie said...

13, do I win? Lovely eyes btw! Veeery piercing.

WDKY said...

NML, your friend's already won, sweetheart. But thanks for being nice about my eyes!

finally forgiving said...

I'm such a sucker for blue eyes...I'd almost do anything you asked me...

WDKY said...

Really? (Sigh...)

TJ said...

Looks like I missed the guessing game--but for the record, I was going to go with 16 too.

And Sher has a very sultry look going on in her pic.

WDKY said...

Well done anyway. And Sher looks very, very (very) nice indeed.

finally forgiving said...

Yes really...too bad you're so far away.

Anonymous said...

blue! my fav!

Anonymous said...

the aboves by me..

Networkchic said...

I could look into those eyes...for a very long time. Blue is my favorite shade.

I'm guessing you lost your virginity at 17.

Sky said...

very pretty eyes..

and I will say 16

WDKY said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone (sorry, I was actually working all afternoon so wasn't around to reply).

In answer to some questions posed...

Virginity lost at 16 - NYM's already won my body for the week.

Am I "lean" - well, my almost naked photo is posted in the September archive under the heading "HNT"! I'm not particularly tall, but I am rather beautifully formed.

Personally, I thought that Sher's eyes warranted more comment than my own. And thanks to Zooz, who actually took the photo I posted during the summer.

Now I'll just wait with a degree of trepidation to see what NYM comes up with for next week.

WDKY said...

I knew I could rely on you, Emma.

kimmyk said...

Alright, I went lookin for tha September HNT post.
I found it.
Very nice WDKY.
I'll be honest, I stared..for at least 3 or 4 minutes. I don't really know if you posted anything about the pic...I just oogled the picture....for a good while. It's quite nice.
Thank you for that.

WDKY said...

Kimmy, you really are lovely. I have to work out and run, I should add, or I imagine I'd turn into precisely the kind of guy I don't want to be. Still, it keeps me out of mischief.

... said...

i'm a bit late but happy hnt!

WDKY said...

Femi,Addict... thanks and happy HNT back.

Emerald... hang in there!

Her Daddy's Eyes said...

Wow! NICE eyes! :)


Ballocks! NYM won! I wanted to be the winner!

WDKY said...

Oooh, Eyes... (and yours aren't bad, either)