Thursday, November 03, 2005

HNT 6!!!

Okay then, here it is. My bottom, taken in it's most recent state & condition as you'll see from the date stamp. And no bite marks...

For the record, it's not an easy shot to take yourself, and I doubt I'll have much reason to do it again in a hurry. That said, you never know... I've been asked for stranger things before now :-)

Happy HNT!


(Don't think I'm being rude, but I have meetings starting at 8am today... back much later)


WDKY said...

It's definitely mine - I'm sitting on it right now :-)

ladylongfellow said...

Nice heiney! So, when you inviting me to London again? lol

NML/Natalie said...

Nice bum! I won't ask how you took that pic! What next then? You're running out of body parts!

NewYorkMoments said...

So, so, so...SPANKABLE!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad you made good on your promise, or I was going to have to fly over & take the pic for myself!

Victoria Alt said...

Nice pic!

Now though, all my mind is thinking about is bite marks...hmmm

j said...

well done.

the logistics of getting the shot is boggling, especially if you don't want it to be all 'wonky'.

Sky said...

ok, now why don't I get to see it? It's gone. Nada, nothing, big goose egg. I am feeling left out!

paper clip said...

Tripods and timers make for all kinds of interesting shots ;)

It's so round and smooth and um, I just, oops, sorry. Was that outloud?

Sky said...

ahh there it is :). Makes me want to ....

Blondie... said...

Ha! Mine was sexy...

Your picture my dear, your picture is sexy. You have no idea what kind of gal I am...I am sooo into a nice butt...sooo into it.

*smiling very cheekily* <--pun intended also...haha

You just made this a very happy HNT indeed. Ah, yeah...Happy HNT to you too! ;-)

positronic said...

Hey, that's as smooth as a baby's bum :-) Nice buns.

Anonymous said...

almost (but not quite) worth being back from Italy for

Anonymous said...

Finally your ass pic. I think some of your regular visitors were gonna burn your ass if you did not post it soon.


Happy HNT all

kimmyk said...

Well well well......what do we have here?

Next HNT let's see ya touch your toes, spin around, and shake it all about.....
that's what it's all about ! (nevermind, got that song in my head)

lime said...

my my my....nice bum ya got! happy HNT!

Lyvvie said...

I know what you mean! I pulled my shoulder trying to get bum-crack pictures once. the things we do...

Nice rump BTW.

The Daily Rant said...

Wow. Really nice. Really ROUND. Whatever it took to get this shot was SO worth it!

Her Daddy's Eyes said...

I'm coming to London in you have room for me? I'm small, don't take up much room...can I stay?? Hmmm???

Nice bum! Very nice indeed!


.- said...

I'll take the next one for you..and I'll provide the bite marks as welll

TJ said...

very cheeky, wdky...

Happy HNT!

Benjamin said...

yeah, taking pictures of yourself is hard. I'm envious of all the HNTers with partners in crime. Happy HNT!

Networkchic said...

Well then...there it is. Somehow I knew it would be round and touchable and make me want to jump on a plane and take flight. Thanks WDKY.

finally forgiving said...

You have a very nice a**. Glad I didn't post another a** shot this week, I don't think I would have been able to compete. ;-)

Lee Ann said...

Nice bum! Happy HNT!

k o w said...

Well done.

Wirthy said...

Yeah, it's tough to get a good ass shot of yourself. And when you ask the neighbor kid to help out, he just calls the cops.

Happy HNT!

Muse said...

That is a very nice ass. :) Happy HNT!

S said...

Nice fanny baby! Happy HNT!

tornwordo said...

Great butt shot, tastefully lit. Happy HNT!

Tammy said...

Very. Nice. Ass.

Happy HNT!

Jaxe said...

Hey. Tan lines in October! ;-) Happy hnt!

MamaKBear said...

WooHoo! Niiiiice ass!
Happy HNT!

Jillian said...

Woo Hoo!!!

Happy HNT!

Annalis said...

Very nice.

Grandma Lola said...

Very nice ass!
Happy HNT!

Beth said...

MMMMM nice ass!

Happy HNT!

Chick said...

Hot famn...nice ass...

How'd you get the date stamp on your fanny? ; )

Happy HNT.

Chick said...

Damn...I meant damn!

Anonymous said...

would you find it offensive...just a lick...right right right there???
VERY nice!

Caterpillar said...

I want to grab those perfectly formed cheeks! I love grabbing onto good butt cheeks and pulling while my legs are in the air and....I'll be having good fantasies today!!!

Nancy Pants said...

Cute tush!! Happy HNT!!

Angela said...

WOW!!! pushing eyes back in head. SA---WEET.. Bet I could bounce a quarter off that...*giggles* Happy HNT

Kate B. said...

LOL, so you really are a man who keeps his promises... now, what I want to know is, what have you got planned for next week? ;-)

MG said...

Very, very nice, and oh yeah, good pic too...happy HNT

jazz said...

that's hot.

i do kinda want to bite it. is that bad?

WDKY said...

No Jazz, it's good.

... said...

just leaving another "arse" comment (i love that word) and tell me - why is all vacumeing "hoovering"?

happy hnt doll

Joel said...

NICE! very NICE! happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Do you need someone to help you take that shot? Maybe I can help in the future ;) Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Ooh er!

WDKY said...

Did I really do that?