I was stopping over at Trouble’s for a coffee the other day, and followed a link she’d provided to this rather funny site. Now, as a cat lover of unrivalled magnitude I felt it necessary to bookmark it, send the link on to all and sundry, and re-visit it periodically to see if there were any new little gems worth forcing on my friends.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered this is not just a matter of cute pictures with clever captions. Oh no… have a look at Wiki if you want to know about the Lolcat phenomenon, and follow the links there because it gets… well, worse. All of which goes to prove that there's a lot of strange, strange stuff going on out there that we know fuck all about. Well, that I know fuck all about.
Whilst I'm a bit discombobulated by it all, my salvation (in the shape of my 40" Samsung) should be arriving any time now. Whether I can enjoy it's 1080p splendour without being distracted by thoughts of Lolcats remains to be seen, but I'd say the chances are pretty good. And there's always Lola, who does tends to loll (I admit) but in a slightly more conventional sense.
Speaking of Lola, she's now forgiven me for going on holiday and is more or less back to normal. Every year I go away, I come home to find her rotund and happy having spent two weeks on a local kitchen crawl to ensure that she has multiple meals in addition to those my neighbour leaves for her in her bowl twice each day. Then she makes a point of ignoring me and staying out all night, just to make sure that I know that I'm dispensable. Luckily, I'm a parent so I've seen it all before.
Right, I'm rambling a bit, and I have work to do...
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